
Written on 12 June 2013, 00.00 by admin
presentation-projects-of-the-rores-group-in-belgium-2014  Rores Group is already for the second time in 2014 in Belgium for the presentation of real estate investment projects and for the search of capital for...
Written on 15 May 2013, 00.00 by admin
crediting-will-be-resumed-in-2013  Considering that Romania's economy maintains its rate of growth the President of the Romanian Association of Banks and CEC Bank, Radu Ghetea said that...
Written on 17 April 2013, 00.00 by admin
nearly-40-billion-euro-for-eu-funds-in-2014-2020  In a meeting concerning the allocation of EU Funds ( structural and cohesion) the Minister Eugen Teodorovici presented Romania's proposal for the years...
Written on 28 February 2013, 00.00 by admin
rores-launches-new-website-in-2013  We wish through this new website to contribute to clarify the perception about the fields of activity of Rores Group. The company profile extends...
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