Rores Group has successfully implemented several projects of real estate investment and consultancy in partnership with companies from Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, etc...
Project construction land 1 000 sqm on the Nicolae Beldiceanu street in Oradea (gross yield of 18,04% and resale in only 1 year)
Another investment on a very short term of only 1 year was made by the Rores Group in the year 2012 when an investment was made in a construction land with the total surface of 1 000 sqm in Oradea on the Nicolae Beldiceanu street at the price of 30 000 Euro. The land was resold only after 1 year at the price of 36 000 Euro. The gross yield made in only 1 year was 18,04%, so the net revenue was 4 300 Euro namely 4,30 Euro/sqm.
Project construction land 10 000 sqm near Oradea (cumulative gross yearly yield of 13,26% and resale in only 2 years)
In the year 2011 the Rores Group made a short term investment and invested in a construction land with the total surface of 10 000 sqm at the price of 48 000 Euro at 10 kilometer distance from Oradea, in a very beautiful and quiet area. The land was resold already in 2013 after only 2 years at the price of 62 600 Euro. The cumulative gross yearly yield was 13,26%, so in 2 years the net revenue was 11 600 Euro namely 1,16 Euro/sqm.
Project for a Belgian production company total investment of 2 000 000 Euro in Oradea
A Belgium company with a total yearly turnover of 35 000 000 Euro invested in Oradea through Rores Group in the year 2011. In this project Rores Group made a market study to find the best solution for the investment. After that Rores Group did together with its local partners all the issues for the juridical set up of the company, accountancy, human resources, the rent of the production plant and offices, obtaining approvals and prepare and submit the documentation for a project of EU Funds. After 1 year Rores Group handled the acquisition of an industrial land and the construction of an industrial plant for production and storage with a total surface of 1 500 sqm. The total cost of production in Romania is still only 25% - 30% of the production cost in Belgium.
Project construction land 14 000 sqm near Oradea (cumulative gross yearly yield of 9,32% and resale in 7 years)
An investment of 161 000 Euro was made by the Rores Group in a new project for the allotment of a construction land in the year 2006 with a total surface of 14 000 sqm near Oradea, at 6 kilometer distance from the center of the town. The area developed very well in a house district and the land was parceled in 24 plots of land of approximately 500 sqm suitable for the construction of villa’s. The utilities have been introduced by the Rores Group. The selling of the plots started in 2008 and ended in 2013 and the medium price of 15 000 Euro/plot. The cumulative gross yearly yield made in 7 years was 9,32%, so in 7 years the net revenue was 125 300 Euro namely 10,44 Euro/sqm.
Project construction land 1 300 sqm on Bihorului street in Oradea (cumulative gross yearly yield of 11,42% and resale in 5 years)
Rores Group invested in a construction land in 2006 with the total surface of 1 300 sqm at the price of 35 000 Euro in Oradea on the Bihorului street, luxury district with a very beautiful panoramic view over the city and very close to the center of the city. The land was parceled in 2 plots suitable for the construction of villa’s and was resold in 2011 at the price of 65 000 Euro. The cumulative gross yearly yield was 11,42%, so in 5 years the net revenue was 25 250 Euro namely 19,42 Euro/sqm.
